
Conference: 'Green innovation in the building sector: future perspectives and a case study on acoustic panels'

14 March. 15:00-17:00, Rockit Event Space

Event programme:

14:50-15:00 Welcoming guests

15:00 - 15:10 Welcome speech

15:10 - 15:40 Panel discussion: where will the European Green Deal take the Lithuanian construction industry? Changes and opportunities

15:40 - 15:50 Presentation of the results of the project "Green Acoustic Panels" (Norway Grants): Catalysing innovation between science, business and the market

Andrius Gurskis, Director of UAB AVAGO

15:50 - 16:00 Presentation: Acoustics and circular economy in construction

Presenter: doc.dr. Tomas Januševičius - Vilnius Tech

16:00 - 16:20 From Project to Product.

Artūras Jukna, Director of Provectus Redivivus

16:20 - 17:00 Closing remarks by the presenter and invitation to network over refreshments

Title of the project "Development of a technological process for the production of a sound-insulating acoustic panel from recycled polyurethane, plastic and rubber waste"

Project code LT07-1-EIM-01-017

Artūras Jukna, the head of the project partner UAB Provectus redivivus, at the meeting held in Vilnius on April 28, 2022. presented the project to Ilona Rinkevičienė, project manager of sound insulation and acoustic solutions in Lithuania, SIA CEWOOD (LV). This company was established in 2015. CEWOOD is the only manufacturer of particle board in the Baltic States and one of the world's leading companies in the field. Thanks to the company's product quality standards, the demand market for CEWOOD products is successfully expanding in many countries around the world. Both CEWOOD and UAB Provectus redivivus are involved in sound insulation solutions, so various cooperation opportunities were discussed. It was stated that the products of both companies, in some projects, will complement each other perfectly, will strengthen the efficiency of sound insulation, therefore it is agreed to actively cooperate.

Collaboration Discussion with CEWOOD

2022 April

Jeff Burton, a prominent Silicon Valley investor and serial founder has visited the project site, where he has assessed the project and its future prospects. Jeff has spent the last 10 years helping European startups to obtain partnerships and investments in Silicon Valley. He is the most well-known for being a co-founder of Electronic Arts and running the UC Berkeley tech accelerator. According to Jeff, the project shows great promise and would be interesting to the top industry players to collaborate with or attract investment from.

US Tech Investor Visits The Project Site, Aims to Collaborate

2022 March

Sigita Matulevičiūtė, an employee of the project partner UAB "Provectus redivivus", participated in the Norwegian-Lithuanian Business Forum 2021 RESILIENCE held in Oslo, Norway on November 11, 2021. During the event, the project "Technological process for sound-insulating acoustic from the production of recycled polyurethane, plastics and rubber waste '. During the event, contacts were made with whom further negotiations are taking place both on the supply of raw materials and on the wider application areas of the acoustic panel being developed.

Norvegian-Lithuanian Business Forum 2021 RESILIENCE l

2021 December

This year, UAB AVAGO together with a partner in Lithuania and Norway started to implement a project for the development and production of a new generation of acoustic panels made of rubber granules and recycled plastic.

Project lead: UAB AVAGO

Project title "Development of a technological process for the production of sound-insulating acoustic panels from recycled polyurethane, plastic and rubber waste"

Project code: LT07-1-EIM-01-017

The amount of eligible project costs is EUR 747,994.56

Project partners UAB Provectus redivivus (LT), Norwegian partner (NO)

Project implementation period July 2021 - December 2023

More information about the funding program can be found at

Global climate change is forcing us to look for new and innovative ways to turn waste into a resource and use recycled materials to make useful products, thus closing the circular economy. Extremely high quality sound insulation for acoustic sound insulation panels newly developed in this project is a demanding product with high commercial potential in the global market of construction and sound insulation products.

A new product developed during the project - an acoustic panel, will contribute to solving several problems:

  • Polluting polyurethane waste and increasing amounts of this waste

  • Large quantities of untreated, recovered by incineration or landfilled polyurethane waste

  • The management of polyurethane waste is complex, as it varies greatly in form and composition (this can be mattresses, pipes, etc.);

  • Tightening environmental requirements every year

  • It is projected that in 2050 more than two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities

  • It is estimated that in 2050 almost 7 billion people will live in cities.

  • For rapidly expanding cities, the problem of noise will become more acute.


The aim of the project "Development of a technological process for the production of sound-insulating acoustic panels from recycled polyurethane, plastic and rubber waste" is to carry out research and experimental development work and to develop a technological process for the production of sound-insulating acoustic panels from recycled polyurethane, plastic and rubber waste. . Research to develop a new generation of ultra-high quality sound insulation product to replace established alternatives to sound insulation products in the construction market.